Want an idea of what your Tribute Song might sound like? Here are some previous recordings of mine for you to get an idea of my voice, sound, and style!

Sorry, but Tribute Songs written for others are private and cannot be shared here.


At an early age, I knew that music was something that I was meant to create, perform, and study. As young musicians often do, I got into bands and performed on stages of all kinds - some small, some big! I also studied music, got a degree in music education, and went on to lead musical worship for a local church in Omaha, NE.

Music came naturally.

However, it took longer to develop the craft of songwriting. Singing and playing instruments was one thing, but time alone with song books of my favorite artists allowed him to pick up the structure and nuance of songwriting. With the help of band mates along the way, I started to write from experience, feeling, and conviction.

That’s what I hope to bring to your TributeSong.